Saturday, 29 February 2020

[Homework] 28 Feb - Consolidation & Preparation

Dear S1-06

On Friday's lesson, we discussed the following:

(A) Study notes:

(1) (p4) Practice 2 - as we follow Polya's 4-step process and learn that table (as a heuristics) can be used to organise and present information clearly to solve the problem.

(2) (p3) Practice 3 - Discuss the importance of knowing the base before we compare any given percentages; else we will need to make an assumption on the base. With that, we proceed to discuss how to justify our stand mathematically when we state whether we agree with what each character says.

(3) (p6) Using Practice 1, we check our understanding when we say INCREASE a quantity by a given percentage (in particular Q1(a))

(4) (p7) Activity 2: Through the first cycle, we discussed how the "Percentage Change" informs us whether there is an increase or decrease in the percentage.
You are to attempt the 2nd cycle on your own to see how different the percentage change looks like when the process is reversed.

(B) Task in Google Classroom:

We attempt the first part of [Activity] Percentages: Point of Sale in the Google Classroom assignment.
- We went "online shopping" - identified the items from the website and filled up the spreadsheet.
- Do indicate the quantitiy for each item in column G (that I forgot to inform you in class)

Below is a sample:

Do not submit the task yet.
We have not finished the task yet, so do not submit it.
We will continue with this task on TUESDAY

HOMEWORK and Preparation for next lesson

1. Homework (written)
Refer to the instructions in Google Classroom (this was posted on Thursday).
Task to be completed on foolscap papers. Present clearly.
Please read the feedback in the previous marked assignments to improve on the presentation if there was any comment on this aspect.

2. Study Notes
Attempt pages 8, 9 and 10 for discussion in the next lesson.

Saturday, 15 February 2020

[Homework] 14 Feb - Consolidation & Preparation

Summary of what we did today: 
  • Discussion on Rounding off to different degree of accuracy: Significant Figures VS Decimal Places
  • Rule of Thumb: (1) Read the number from left to right (2) Look for the first non-zero 
  • Study Notes: Complete p4 & p5
  • [HW1] [HW2] [HW3] To be submitted via GoogleForms - Deadline: MON 17 Feb, 5 pm
  • Attempt lessons assigned in the Google Classroom

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

[HW] Rounding off with Paul and Pauline

Guess My Age

PRECISE/ EXACT: When... to be OR not to be?

When do we decide to report the exact figure, and when do we not?

Let's take a look at the reporting of the spread of the Novel Coronavirus by the different news agencies:

Why the data are presented differently in different medium?
Considerations: Purpose, Audience, Context, Culture 

[Discussion] Approximation: What are the EXTREMES?

In this activity, you are going to read TWO articles where approximated values are used.
Your task is to figure out what are the possible extreme figures in each scenario.
  • Click HERE to attempt the task.
  • Click HERE to check your answers

Friday, 7 February 2020

[Homework] 7 Feb - Consolidation & Preparation

Below is the list of items we spoke about in class in the last lesson of the week (T1W5):

1. [HW2] for Chapter 2 (written work)

  • It was posted in the Maths Google Classroom on Thursday (6 Feb)
  • Refer to the details in the Google Classroom post, including the template on how you should present your answers. 
  • To be submitted in the 1st Maths lesson of the week (T1W6)

2. Group assignment (refer to the blog post below)

  • You were divided into groups
  • Do attempt the collaborative work in the slide assigned.
  • Complete the task (if your group has not finished yet)

3. Preparation for next topic, Approximation & Estimation
  • Refer to the materials assigned in SLS

Other important information

  • Class Test date and requirements (see information on the right panel of the blog)
  • Timed Revision - has been re-scheduled to Thursday (13 Feb) during class time
    • Topic 1 & Topic 2
    • Calculator is required (no sharing)
    • Answer all questions in ink

0.9999999... approximated to fraction

How to convert recurring decimals into fractions.


To find 0.9999999......

If x = 0.9999999999......
then 10 x = 9.999999999......
so 9 x will be equalled to 10x - x
which is 9.99999...... - 0.99999......
so to get the answer you just have to cancel out the .99999999......s
so 9 x = 9
9 divided by 9 <--------- as the amount of x
will get the fraction 9/9 which is 1


To find 0.4444444444......

Take 0.444444444...... to be x
x = 0.4444444......
10 x = 4.4444444......
10 x - x = 9 x
4.44444444...... - 0.444444444...... = 4
9 x = 4
x = 4/9

Thursday, 6 February 2020

4 Operations of Rational Numbers: Who has better Eye Power?

Study Notes (15) Tier B
With reference to the working you attempted, as a group, discuss and identify the errors of each set of working.

Key Pointers for Operations of Rational Numbers (Fractions) - Study Notes (p14)

On Wednesday's lesson, we learnt the operations of FRACTIONS (Rational Numbers)

Read the working of the questions.
Recall the BODMAS rules for operations and the general tips we discussed in the lessons.
Let's see how these are applied in the Operations of Rational Numbers (Fractions)


Operations with Integers

Click HERE to watch 3 examples on how to apply BODMAS rule to evaluate arithmetic expressions systematically.

Saturday, 1 February 2020

[Homework] 31 January - Consolidation & Preparation

A summary of the tasks assigned:

1. Google Classroom
[HW1] Selected Questions from Textbook Chapter 2 (Exercise 2D)
Focus: Rational Numbers Operations (multiplication & division; Calculator Skills
Estimated duration: 30 minutes
Follow instructions; refer to template
To be submitted on next Maths lesson (i.e. 1st Maths lesson in T1W5)

2. Maths Blog/ Padlet
This is a Dipstick of what we are going to do in the 1st Maths lesson next week.
The questions require us to apply BODMAS rule on Integers (both positive and negative)
We have not discussed the operations of negative integers yet.

Source: Study Notes (Topic 2) p9 - see blog post below.

3. Preparation for next lesson
Watch the clips in the Blog page

4. [Optional] Food for Thought
Blog Post (below)

[Dipstick] 4 Operations involving Integers and Rational Numbers

Source: Study Notes (p9)

This is a dipstick exercise to expose you on the 4 operations of integers, building on what you already learnt in primary school for positive integers.

The objective is to find out to what extent you could apply and extend your pre-requisite knowledge before we move into the topic.

This is how we should present the working, demonstrating our understanding of the operations.

Attempt the 2 parts in your Study Notes (p9)
Complete it by MONDAY (4 FEB) 9 am and post the photo in the relevant padlet. 

Click LINK here

Made with Padlet